Source: TextHighlighter.js

(function (global) {
    'use strict';

     * Attribute added by default to every highlight.
     * @type {string}
    var DATA_ATTR = 'data-highlighted';

     * Attribute used to group highlight wrappers.
     * @type {string}
    var TIMESTAMP_ATTR = 'data-timestamp';

    var NODE_TYPE = {
        ELEMENT_NODE: 1,
        TEXT_NODE: 3

     * Don't highlight content of these tags.
     * @type {string[]}
    var IGNORE_TAGS = [
        'PARAM', 'METER', 'PROGRESS'

     * Function associated with events
     *  @type {function}

     * Returns true if elements a and b have the same color.
     * @param {Node} a
     * @param {Node} b
     * @returns {boolean}
    function haveSameColor(a, b) {
        return dom(a).color() === dom(b).color();

     * Fills undefined values in obj with default properties with the same name from source object.
     * @param {object} obj Target object
     * @param {object} source Source object with default values
     * @returns {object}
    function defaults(obj, source) {
        var prop;
        obj = obj || {};

        for (prop in source) {
            if (source.hasOwnProperty(prop) && obj[prop] === void 0) {
                obj[prop] = source[prop];

        return obj;

     * Returns array without duplicated values.
     * @param {Array} arr
     * @returns {Array}
    function unique(arr) {
        return arr.filter(function (value, idx, self) {
            return self.indexOf(value) === idx;

     * Takes range object as parameter and refines it boundaries
     * @param range
     * @returns {object} refined boundaries and initial state of highlighting algorithm.
    function refineRangeBoundaries(range) {
        var startContainer = range.startContainer;
        var endContainer   = range.endContainer;
        var ancestor       = range.commonAncestorContainer;
        var goDeeper       = true;

        if (range.endOffset === 0) {
            while (!endContainer.previousSibling && endContainer.parentNode !== ancestor) {
                endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
            endContainer = endContainer.previousSibling;
        } else if (endContainer.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE) {
            if (range.endOffset < endContainer.nodeValue.length) {
        } else if (range.endOffset > 0) {
            endContainer = endContainer.childNodes.item(range.endOffset - 1);

        if (startContainer.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE) {
            if (range.startOffset === startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
                goDeeper = false;
            } else if (range.startOffset > 0) {
                startContainer = startContainer.splitText(range.startOffset);
                if (endContainer === startContainer.previousSibling) {
                    endContainer = startContainer;
        } else if (range.startOffset < startContainer.childNodes.length) {
            startContainer = startContainer.childNodes.item(range.startOffset);
        } else {
            startContainer = startContainer.nextSibling;

        return {
            startContainer: startContainer,
            endContainer: endContainer,
            goDeeper: goDeeper

     * Sorts array of DOM elements by its depth in DOM tree.
     * @param {HTMLElement[]} arr Array to sort.
     * @param {boolean} descending Order of sort.
    function sortByDepth(arr, descending) {
        arr.sort(function (a, b) {
            return dom(descending ? b : a).parents().length - dom(descending ? a : b).parents().length;

     * Groups given highlights by timestamp.
     * @param {Array} highlights
     * @returns {Array} Grouped highlights.
    function groupHighlights(highlights) {
        var order = [];
        var chunks = {};
        var grouped = [];

        highlights.forEach(function (hl) {
            var timestamp = hl.getAttribute(TIMESTAMP_ATTR);

            if (typeof chunks[timestamp] === 'undefined') {
                chunks[timestamp] = [];


        order.forEach(function (timestamp) {
            var group = chunks[timestamp];

                chunks: group,
                timestamp: timestamp,
                toString: function () {
                    return (h) {
                        return h.textContent;

        return grouped;

     * Utility functions to make DOM manipulation easier.
     * @param {Node|HTMLElement} [el] Base DOM element to manipulate
     * @returns {object}
    var dom = function (el) {

        return /** @lends dom **/ {

             * Adds class to element.
             * @param {string} className
            addClass: function (className) {
                if (el.classList) {
                } else {
                    el.className += ' ' + className;

             * Removes class from element.
             * @param {string} className
            removeClass: function (className) {
                if (el.classList) {
                } else {
                    el.className = el.className.replace(
                        new RegExp('(^|\\b)' + className + '(\\b|$)', 'gi'), ' '

             * Prepends child nodes to base element.
             * @param {Node[]} nodesToPrepend
            prepend: function (nodesToPrepend) {
                var nodes =;
                var i = nodes.length;

                while (i--) {
                    el.insertBefore(nodes[i], el.firstChild);

             * Appends child nodes to base element.
             * @param {Node[]} nodesToAppend
            append: function (nodesToAppend) {
                var i, len, nodes =;

                for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; ++i) {

             * Inserts base element after refEl.
             * @param {Node} refEl Node after which base element will be inserted
             * @returns {Node} Inserted element
            insertAfter: function (refEl) {
                return refEl.parentNode.insertBefore(el, refEl.nextSibling);

             * Inserts base element before refEl.
             * @param {Node} refEl Node before which base element will be inserted
             * @returns {Node} Inserted element
            insertBefore: function (refEl) {
                return refEl.parentNode.insertBefore(el, refEl);

             * Removes base element from DOM.
            remove: function () {
                el = null;

             * Returns true if base element contains given child.
             * @param {Node|HTMLElement} child
             * @returns {boolean}
            contains: function (child) {
                return el !== child && el.contains(child);

             * Wraps base element in wrapper element.
             * @param {HTMLElement} wrapper
             * @returns {HTMLElement} wrapper element
            wrap: function (wrapper) {
                if (el.parentNode) {
                    el.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, el);

                return wrapper;

             * Unwraps base element.
             * @returns {Node[]} Child nodes of unwrapped element.
            unwrap: function () {
                var wrapper, nodes =;

                nodes.forEach(function (node) {
                    wrapper = node.parentNode;

                return nodes;

             * Returns array of base element parents.
             * @returns {HTMLElement[]}
            parents: function () {
                var parent, path = [];

                while (!!(parent = el.parentNode)) {
                    el = parent;

                return path;

             * Normalizes text nodes within base element, ie. merges sibling text nodes and assures that every
             * element node has only one text node.
             * It should does the same as standard element.normalize, but IE implements it incorrectly.
            normalizeTextNodes: function () {
                if (!el) {

                if (el.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE) {
                    while (el.nextSibling && el.nextSibling.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE) {
                        el.nodeValue += el.nextSibling.nodeValue;
                } else {

             * Returns element background color.
             * @returns {CSSStyleDeclaration.backgroundColor}
            color: function () {

             * Creates dom element from given html string.
             * @param {string} html
             * @returns {NodeList}
            fromHTML: function (html) {
                var div = document.createElement('div');
                div.innerHTML = html;
                return div.childNodes;

             * Returns first range of the window of base element.
             * @returns {Range}
            getRange: function () {
                var range, selection = dom(el).getSelection();

                if (selection.rangeCount > 0) {
                    range = selection.getRangeAt(0);

                return range;

             * Removes all ranges of the window of base element.
            removeAllRanges: function () {
                var selection = dom(el).getSelection();

             * Returns selection object of the window of base element.
             * @returns {Selection}
            getSelection: function () {
                return dom(el).getWindow().getSelection();

             * Returns window of the base element.
             * @returns {Window}
            getWindow: function () {
                return dom(el).getDocument().defaultView;

             * Returns document of the base element.
             * @returns {HTMLDocument}
            getDocument: function () {
                // if ownerDocument is null then el is the document itself.
                return el.ownerDocument || el;


    function bindEvents(el, scope) {
        el.addEventListener('mouseup', FUNCTION_BIND);
        el.addEventListener('touchend', FUNCTION_BIND);

    function unbindEvents(el, scope) {
        el.removeEventListener('mouseup', FUNCTION_BIND);
        el.removeEventListener('touchend', FUNCTION_BIND);

     * Creates TextHighlighter instance and binds to given DOM elements.
     * @param {HTMLElement} element                DOM element to which highlighted will be applied.
     * @param {object} [options]                   Additional options.
     * @param {string} options.color               Highlight color. Set to false for no inline color.
     * @param {string} options.highlightedClass    Class added to highlight, 'highlighted' by default.
     * @param {string} options.contextClass        Class added to element to which highlighter is applied,
     *                                             'highlighter-context' by default.
     * @param {string} options.tagName             Highlighter wrapper element, 'span' by default.
     * @param {function} options.onRemoveHighlight Function called before highlight is removed. Highlight is
     *                                             passed as param. Function should return true if highlight
     *                                             should be removed, or false - to prevent removal.
     * @param {function} options.onBeforeHighlight Function called before highlight is created. Range object is
     *                                             passed as param. Function should return true to continue
     *                                             processing, or false - to prevent highlighting.
     * @param {function} options.onAfterHighlight  Function called after highlight is created. Array of created
     *                                             wrappers is passed as param.
     * @class TextHighlighter
    function TextHighlighter(element, options) {
        if (!element) {
            throw 'Missing anchor element';

        this.el = element;
        this.options = defaults(options, {
            enabled: true,
            color: '#ffff7b',
            highlightedClass: 'highlighted',
            contextClass: 'highlighter-context',
            tagName: 'span',
            onRemoveHighlight: function () { return true; },
            onBeforeHighlight: function () { return true; },
            onAfterHighlight: function () { }

        FUNCTION_BIND = this.highlightHandler.bind(this);

        if (this.options.enabled) {
            bindEvents(this.el, this);

     * Permanently disables highlighting.
     * Unbinds events and remove context element class.
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.destroy = function () {
        unbindEvents(this.el, this);

    TextHighlighter.prototype.highlightHandler = function () {

     * Highlights current range.
     * @param {boolean} keepRange Don't remove range after highlighting. Default: false.
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.doHighlight = function (keepRange) {

        if (!this.options.enabled) {
            return false;

        var range = dom(this.el).getRange();
        var wrapper, createdHighlights, normalizedHighlights, timestamp;

        if (!range || range.collapsed) {

        if (this.options.onBeforeHighlight(range) === true) {
            timestamp = +new Date();
            wrapper = TextHighlighter.createWrapper(this.options);
            wrapper.setAttribute(TIMESTAMP_ATTR, timestamp);

            createdHighlights = this.highlightRange(range, wrapper);
            normalizedHighlights = this.normalizeHighlights(createdHighlights);

            this.options.onAfterHighlight(range, normalizedHighlights, timestamp);

        if (!keepRange) {

     * Highlights range.
     * Wraps text of given range object in wrapper element.
     * @param {Range} range
     * @param {HTMLElement} wrapper
     * @returns {Array} Array of created highlights.
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.highlightRange = function (range, wrapper) {
        if (!range || range.collapsed) {
            return [];

        var result = refineRangeBoundaries(range);
        var startContainer = result.startContainer;
        var endContainer = result.endContainer;
        var goDeeper = result.goDeeper;
        var done = false;
        var node = startContainer;
        var highlights = [];
        var highlight, wrapperClone, nodeParent;

        do {
            if (goDeeper && node.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE) {

                if (IGNORE_TAGS.indexOf(node.parentNode.tagName) === -1 && node.nodeValue.trim() !== '') {
                    wrapperClone = wrapper.cloneNode(true);
                    wrapperClone.setAttribute(DATA_ATTR, !! this.options.color);
                    nodeParent = node.parentNode;

                    // highlight if a node is inside the el
                    if (dom(this.el).contains(nodeParent) || nodeParent === this.el) {
                        highlight = dom(node).wrap(wrapperClone);

                goDeeper = false;
            if (node === endContainer && !(endContainer.hasChildNodes() && goDeeper)) {
                done = true;

            if (node.tagName && IGNORE_TAGS.indexOf(node.tagName) > -1) {

                if (endContainer.parentNode === node) {
                    done = true;
                goDeeper = false;
            if (goDeeper && node.hasChildNodes()) {
                node = node.firstChild;
            } else if (node.nextSibling) {
                node = node.nextSibling;
                goDeeper = true;
            } else {
                node = node.parentNode;
                goDeeper = false;
        } while (!done);

        return highlights;

     * Normalizes highlights. Ensures that highlighting is done with use of the smallest possible number of
     * wrapping HTML elements.
     * Flattens highlights structure and merges sibling highlights. Normalizes text nodes within highlights.
     * @param {Array}   Highlights Highlights to normalize.
     * @returns {Array} Array of normalized highlights. Order and number of returned highlights may be different
     *                  than input highlights.
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.normalizeHighlights = function (highlights) {
        var normalizedHighlights;


        // omit removed nodes
        normalizedHighlights = highlights.filter(function (hl) {
            return hl.parentElement ? hl : null;

        normalizedHighlights = unique(normalizedHighlights);
        normalizedHighlights.sort(function (a, b) {
            return a.offsetTop - b.offsetTop || a.offsetLeft - b.offsetLeft;

        return normalizedHighlights;

     * Flattens highlights structure.
     * Note: this method changes input highlights - their order and number after calling this method may change.
     * @param {Array} highlights Highlights to flatten.
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.flattenNestedHighlights = function (highlights) {
        var again, self = this;

        sortByDepth(highlights, true);

        function flattenOnce() {
            var again = false;

            highlights.forEach(function (hl, i) {
                var parent = hl.parentElement;
                var parentPrev = parent.previousSibling;
                var parentNext = parent.nextSibling;

                if (self.isHighlight(parent)) {

                    if (!haveSameColor(parent, hl)) {

                        if (!hl.nextSibling) {
                            dom(hl).insertBefore(parentNext || parent);
                            again = true;

                        if (!hl.previousSibling) {
                            dom(hl).insertAfter(parentPrev || parent);
                            again = true;

                        if (!parent.hasChildNodes()) {

                    } else {
                        parent.replaceChild(hl.firstChild, hl);
                        highlights[i] = parent;
                        again = true;



            return again;

        do {
            again = flattenOnce();
        } while (again);

     * Merges sibling highlights and normalizes descendant text nodes.
     * Note: this method changes input highlights Their order and number after calling this method may change.
     * @param highlights
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.mergeSiblingHighlights = function (highlights) {
        var self = this;

        function shouldMerge(current, node) {
            return node && node.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE &&
                haveSameColor(current, node) &&

        highlights.forEach(function (highlight) {
            var prev = highlight.previousSibling;
            var next = highlight.nextSibling;

            if (shouldMerge(highlight, prev)) {
            if (shouldMerge(highlight, next)) {


     * Sets highlighting color.
     * @param {string} color Valid CSS color.
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.setColor = function (color) {
        this.options.color = color;

     * Returns highlighting color.
     * @returns {string}
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.getColor = function () {
        return this.options.color;

     * Removes highlights from element. If element is a highlight itself, it is removed as well.
     * If no element is given, all highlights are removed.
     * @param {HTMLElement} element Element to remove highlights from.
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.removeHighlights = function (element) {
        var container = element || this.el;
        var highlights = this.getHighlights({ container: container });
        var self = this;

        function mergeSiblingTextNodes(textNode) {
            var prev = textNode.previousSibling;
            var next = textNode.nextSibling;

            if (prev && prev.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE) {
                textNode.nodeValue = prev.nodeValue + textNode.nodeValue;
            if (next && next.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE) {
                textNode.nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue + next.nodeValue;

        function removeHighlight(highlight) {
            var textNodes = dom(highlight).unwrap();

            textNodes.forEach(function (node) {

        sortByDepth(highlights, true);

        highlights.forEach(function (hl) {
            if (self.options.onRemoveHighlight(hl) === true) {

     * Returns highlights from given container.
     * @param {object}
     * @param {HTMLElement} [params.container] Return highlights from this element.
     *                                         Default: the element the highlighter is applied to.
     * @param {boolean}     [params.andSelf]   if set to true and container is a highlight itself, add container
     *                                         to returned results.
     *                                         Default: true.
     * @param {boolean}     [params.grouped]   if set to true, highlights are grouped in logical groups of
     *                                         highlights added in the same moment. Each group is an object
     *                                         which has got array of highlights, 'toString' method and 'timestamp'
     *                                         property.
     *                                         If set to "last" will return most last group added, and if set
     *                                         to "first", will return first group.
     *                                         Default: false.
     * @returns {Array}                        Array of highlights.
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.getHighlights = function (params) {
        params = defaults(params, {
            container: this.el,
            andSelf: true,
            grouped: false, // or "first", last"

        var nodeList = params.container.querySelectorAll('[' + DATA_ATTR + ']');
        var highlights =;

        if (params.andSelf === true && params.container.hasAttribute(DATA_ATTR)) {

        if (params.grouped) {
            highlights = groupHighlights(highlights);
            if ( 'last' === params.grouped ) {
                highlights = highlights[highlights.length-1];
            } else if ( 'first' === params.grouped ) {
                highlights = highlights[0];

        return highlights;

     * Returns true if element is a highlight.
     * All highlights have 'data-highlighted' (DATA_ATTR) attribute.
     * @param el Element to check.
     * @returns {boolean}
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.isHighlight = function (el) {
        return el && el.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE && el.hasAttribute(DATA_ATTR);

     * Serializes all highlights in the element the highlighter is applied to.
     * @param {object} params Params which are passed to `this.getHighlights`.
     * @returns {string} Stringified JSON with highlights definition
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.serializeHighlights = function (params) {
        var highlights = this.getHighlights(params || {});
        var refEl = this.el;
        var hlDescriptors = [];

        if ( highlights.chunks ) {
            highlights = highlights.chunks;

        function getElementPath(el, refElement) {
            var childNodes, path = [];

            do {
                childNodes =;
                el = el.parentNode;
            } while (el !== refElement || !el);

            return path;

        sortByDepth(highlights, false);

        highlights.forEach(function (highlight) {
            var offset  = 0; // Hl offset from previous sibling within parent node.
            var length  = highlight.textContent.length;
            var hlPath  = getElementPath(highlight, refEl);
            var wrapper = highlight.cloneNode(true);

            wrapper.innerHTML = '';
            wrapper = wrapper.outerHTML;

            if (highlight.previousSibling && highlight.previousSibling.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE) {
                offset = highlight.previousSibling.length;


        return JSON.stringify(hlDescriptors);

     * Deserializes highlights.
     * @throws exception when can't parse JSON or JSON has invalid structure.
     * @param {object} json JSON object with highlights definition.
     * @returns {Array} Array of deserialized highlights.
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.deserializeHighlights = function (json) {
        var highlights = [];
        var self = this;
        var hlDescriptors;

        if (!json) {
            return highlights;

        try {
            hlDescriptors = JSON.parse(json);
        } catch (e) {
            throw "Can't parse JSON: " + e;

        function deserializationFn(hlDescriptor) {
            var hl = {
                wrapper: hlDescriptor[0],
                text: hlDescriptor[1],
                path: hlDescriptor[2].split(':'),
                offset: hlDescriptor[3],
                length: hlDescriptor[4]
            var elIndex = hl.path.pop();
            var node = self.el;
            var hlNode, highlight, idx;

            while (!!(idx = hl.path.shift())) {
                node = node.childNodes[idx];

            if (node.childNodes[elIndex-1] && node.childNodes[elIndex-1].nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE) {
                elIndex -= 1;

            node = node.childNodes[elIndex];
            hlNode = node.splitText(hl.offset);

            if (hlNode.nextSibling && !hlNode.nextSibling.nodeValue) {

            if (hlNode.previousSibling && !hlNode.previousSibling.nodeValue) {

            highlight = dom(hlNode).wrap(dom().fromHTML(hl.wrapper)[0]);

        hlDescriptors.forEach(function (hlDescriptor) {
            try {
            } catch (e) {
                if (console && console.warn) {
                    console.warn("Can't deserialize highlight descriptor. Cause: " + e);

        return highlights;

     * Finds and highlights given text.
     * @param {string} text Text to search for
     * @param {boolean} [caseSensitive] If set to true, performs case sensitive search (default: true)
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.find = function (text, caseSensitive) {
        var wnd = dom(this.el).getWindow();
        var scrollX = wnd.scrollX;
        var scrollY = wnd.scrollY;
        var caseSens = (typeof caseSensitive === 'undefined' ? true : caseSensitive);


        if (wnd.find) {
            while (wnd.find(text, caseSens)) {
        } else if (wnd.document.body.createTextRange) {
            var textRange = wnd.document.body.createTextRange();
            while (textRange.findText(text, 1, caseSens ? 4 : 0)) {
                if (!dom(this.el).contains(textRange.parentElement()) && textRange.parentElement() !== this.el) {


        wnd.scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY);

     * Disable highlighter.
     * @since  1.2.1
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.disable = function() {
        if (this.options.enabled) {
            unbindEvents(this.el, this);

     * Enable highlighter.
     * @since  1.2.1
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
    TextHighlighter.prototype.enable = function() {
        if (!this.options.enabled) {
            bindEvents(this.el, this);

     * Creates wrapper for highlights.
     * TextHighlighter instance calls this method each time it needs to create highlights and
     * pass options retrieved in constructor.
     * @param {object} options The same object as in TextHighlighter constructor.
     * @returns {HTMLElement}
     * @memberof TextHighlighter
     * @static
    TextHighlighter.createWrapper = function (options) {
        var span = document.createElement(options.tagName); = options.color;
        span.className = options.highlightedClass;
        return span;

    global.TextHighlighter = TextHighlighter;